Greetings and Salutations from the chamber of Sir. Foust,

I'm writing about*( ______(( )
I'm sorry my quill stopped cooperating for a second
Today I'm writing aboutthe arts of sword fighting...
Unlike my Spouse I prefer the weapon, known as the sword.
I'll will show you the parts of a sword and some basic moves...
Then I will give you some of my secret tips.

Now for some moves,

- Trust, a lunge forwards, normally at the opponents chest or upper body as its the widest area.

- Parry, as you've said basically a block but remember its preformed differently in different places 

- Trapping your opponents blade then knocking it aside to get them off balance
Now for some secret tips...
Test your opponent,
Don't use all your force until your sure you need it.
Don't talk sassy to your opponent,
Its just going to strengthen them 
Try to knock them off balance by using fake stabs 
                        _Be Careful-
The most famous warrior died in sword fighting .
Thankyou very much,